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Our custom crafted retainers are the perfect solution for your patients wanting additional protection from teeth shifting after an alignment treatment. Our technicians will fabricate either Essix or Hawley design retainers per your patient’s preference. Rest assured, either design will ensure effectiveness and longevity.  



Essix retainers are clear vinyl appliances designed to fit completely over the teeth. They are made by taking a dental impression and using the mold to create a flexible, removable retainer. This process is similar to the method used to fashion nightguards and mouthguards.

Essix retainers are well-regarded for their precision. Because they are fashioned from a dental impression, they retain tooth alignment with the most accuracy. Essix retainers are a popular choice for patients seeking an effective, discreet, and affordable alternative.


  • Effectiveness: Essix retainers have the best track record when it comes to keeping teeth in place because they are designed to fit snugly around teeth, they are excellent at preventing movement over time.

  • Discreet Wearability: Essix retainers are virtually invisible. This makes them an appealing choice for patients who need to wear their retainers during the day as well as at night.

  • Affordable: Essix retainers tend to be more affordable than other options. Because the manufacturing

  • Passible Damages: Essix retainers are more prone to wear and tear due to how flexible and lightweight they are. They may be scratched or damaged by toothpaste, and should be gently cleaned using an appropriate dental cleaning solution. In general, Essix retainers typically need to be replaced every few years.

  • May Influence Your Bite: Unlike Hawley retainers that preserve a normal bite, Essix retainers introduce a thin layer of plastic in-between teeth. Over time, this layer may impact jaw and bite precision, and expose the retainer to damage from bruxism. Again, may need replacement every few years.


Hawley retainers have been a popular choice for so many years because they offer stability and consistent results.Hawley retainers are made from a strong acrylic base that serves as an anchor point for flexible metal wires. The acrylic base of a Hawley retainer sits flush with the palette, and the wires extend to clip around teeth, holding them securely in place. Because the wire is pliable, Hawley retainers may be adjusted to accommodate shifts in the teeth or jaw.


  • Durability: Since they are made from a durable acrylic material, Hawley retainers are built to last. They are virtually indestructible and can be cleaned by using a toothbrush and toothpaste without scratching or damaging the retainer.

  • Customizability: A popular choice for individuals who want to add a little flare to their dental appliance. The acrylic base is available in several colors which makes them a popular choice for kids.

  • Removability: Unlike permanent retainers, Hawley retainers are easy to pop in and out of the mouth. This makes them easy to clean and offers freedom to eat, floss, take a photo, etc. as you normally would.

  • Less Discreet: Hawley retainers are visible in the mouth. The metal wires that hook around the front teeth may draw attention to the fact that you’re wearing a retainer. Additionally, because Hawley retainers rest against the palette, they may have a slight impact on speech.

  • They Are More Expensive: Traditional Hawley retainers are more costly than alternatives like Essix retainers. However, the expense is partially offset by their durability, meaning they will last you longer than their Essix counterparts.

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