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IPS e.max®

IPS e.max® is an advanced pressed ceramic that provides extreme beauty, longevity, and strength. This next generation ceramic is formulated from lithium disilicate crystals, and is highly customizable and can be crafted as a full-contour monolithic or cut-back and layered with porcelain. This reliable restoration provides lifelike esthetics due to four levels of transparency and is fracture-resistant with a durability of up to 500 MPa. It is monolithic lithium disilicate porcelain that can be pressed or milled as full contour restoration, or cut back and layered with porcelain. It can also be used to create limited bridgework with moderate to heavy connectors. 

Jet Ski


  • Ideal for veneers, thin (no prep) veneers, anterior and posterior crowns, inlays/onlays, 3 unit anterior bridges, and 3 unit posterior bridges up to the second premolar as an abutment tooth.

  • Flexible enough to make it an excellent restorative method for anterior aesthetics or posterior function.


  • Bridge spans exceeding 3 units.

  • Bridges beyond the second. premolar as an abutment tooth.

  • Not suitable for bruxers or patients with other occlusal dysfunction.

  • Maryland style bridges, and bridges which have a short vertical height that does not allow for adequate connector height.

ADA Codes

  • D2740 Crown

  • D2610 Inlay for 1 surface

  • D2620 Inlay for 2 surfaces

  • D2630 Inlay for 3 surfaces

  • D2962 Labial Veneer

  • D2783 Crown 3/4 Porcelain Ceramic (does not include veneers)

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