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Full Zirconia

Full Zirconia is metal-free, a feature that prevents gingival darkening and removes the possibility of exposing metalic margins if gum recession begins. They are naturally esthetic, transmit the color of adjacent teeth, and can be matched to any shade. Zirconia Solid is one of the strongest restorations available for any patient who may have bruxing or grinding issues. Utilizing CAD/CAM technology, it also has a precise marginal fit that can significantly reduce chair time. 

Jet Ski


  • Ideal for posterior crowns and bridges of any span.

  • Long-term durability.

  • Better shading.

  • Able to conceal dark colored preparations, endodontically treated teeth, post and cores, and implant abutments.


  • Not recommended for anterior crowns, bridges, or veneers in the esthetic zone due to opacity of the material

ADA Codes

  • D2740 Crown – Porcelain/Ceramic Substrate

  • D6245 Pontic Porcelain/Ceramic

  • D6740 Abutment Crown Porcelain/Ceramic

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