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Full Cast

Full cast crowns have great clinical success due to their biocompatibility, ease of use, and long-term wear characteristics. With good oral hygiene, full cast crowns can last up to 30-40 years. Thanks to their superior biocompatibility, gold crowns have been shown to have fewer pathogens due to highly polished, thin margin areas and the fact that the pathogens do not have an affinity for gold

We offer a variety of materials, including noble and high noble white and yellow alloys, and non-precious alloy. Highly durable, yet gentle on opposing teeth, Full Cast crowns ensure ideal fit, form, and function.

Jet Ski


  • Single unit crowns, multi-unit bridges, inlays/onlays.

  • Longevity.

  • Plaque resistance.

  • High marginal integrity and durability.


  • Not indicated for anterior restorations where high esthetics are required.

  • Not recommended for patients with specific alloy sensitivities.

  • Partial and implant cases.

ADA Codes

  • D2790 Crown Full-Cast High Noble Metal

  • D2791 Crown Full-Cast Predominantly Base Metal

  • D2792 Crown Full-Cast Noble Metal

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